​Common Uses for Portable Generators and Why You Might Need One

Has it never really occurred to you to consider a portable generator because you never really felt the need for one? They serve more purposes than you might realize and are useful in many situations. Anyone can happen upon a circumstance in which some back-up or extra power might come in handy.

Backup for the Home: You don’t have to buy a large backup generator for your home. If you live in a neighborhood where power outages are rare, but they have happened from time to time, a portable generator is an affordable option for extra power. Trade in the dripping candles and get stronger light, keep your fridge running, or power your devices so that you can make emergency calls. You can also power medical some oxygen-producing machines or other electrically powered medical equipment can be run short-term (make sure you verify this with your electrician-AP Electric bears no responsibility for liability).

Businesses: Small businesses that provide client services can benefit from having a portable electric generator. A firm that provides Internet-based services to their sales force or gives clients access to online information and reports would be severely impacted by a power outage of even a few hours, especially if the company services clients outside of the area affected by the power loss. Small businesses, like family restaurants, butcher shops, rural markets, and other stores that rely on refrigeration could have inventories ruined by a mid- or long-term power outage

The Great Outdoors: You don’t have to rely completely on fire and flashlights when you go camping. Nor do you have to go “glamping.” Get a little of both worlds and take a portable generator with you; you can provide light, cook your catch of the day or breakfast in the morning, and much more.

Work Through the Night: Portable generators are great for the working man or woman. Workshops, tool and work sheds, art and music studios, and more can have their own source of light to keep you crafting, constructing, and making music for longer hours. Power your tools and instruments, or when the rest of the family turns out the lights, you can turn on the generator and go about your business.

When bad weather hits, sometimes basking in the candlelight just isn’t possible; you need electricity to keep going. Sometimes, a power outage can be downright dangerous if the heat is out when there is a winter storm, or a person with medical needs cannot operate his or her equipment. Whether you need that extra power to function, or just want it to make an experience a little better, there are plenty of reasons to invest in a portable generator. Take a look at what AP Electric & Generators can offer you for your generator needs.